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Preventing adverse outcomes after acute management of acute coronary syndrome (NICE TA335)
NICE TA335 - Rivaroxaban for preventing adverse outcomes after acute management of acute coronary syndrome
Amber level 0



Nice TA:


Commissioning responsibility:


PbR excluded:


BNF chapter:
Cardiovascular system


Rivaroxaban with aspirin alone, or with aspirin plus clopidogrel, is recommended as possible treatment for adults who have had acute coronary syndrome with raised cardiac biomarkers. A decision on continuation of treatment should be taken no later than 12 months after starting treatment. Extension of treatment beyond 12 months should be done on an individual patient basis because experience up to 24 months is limited.   The licensed dose for rivaroxaban post ACS is 2.5mg twice daily.  Prescribers should be aware that this dose does not provide VTE level anticoagulation.



LSCMMG Recommendation:

Amber level 0

Reason for decision:

Suitable for GP prescribing following recommendation/initiation by specialist

Supporting documents:

Decisions of Lancashire local decision making groups

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Last Updated: 01 - Apr - 2015