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Chronic Pain Patient Resources

The resources on this page have been carefully chosen by NHS healthcare professionals to provide additional support, information and guidance to individuals living with chronic pain. There are lots of resources on the internet that can help, but these are the ones that we, and our NHS colleagues, think would be a great place to start!

They are not a replacement for the advice offered to you by the NHS team providing your care. If you are unsure if any of the services or advice provided by this site is right for you, please discuss it further with your NHS healthcare team. 


We believe a good place to start on the journey to understanding pain is first to look at what pain actually is. The following videos by Brainman are designed to do just this. We think they're great...

This video will give you a really good, brief introduction to pain and how it can affect you. If you're pushed for time, you could do worse than watch this... It's from Aus but it's as relevant here in the UK

If you have a little longer, take things a bit further by watching this follow up video...

Flippin' Pain

Flippin’ Pain takes a community engagement approach to raising awareness of the impact of persistent pain and providing people with a better understanding of the science behind why we hurt. 

Lancashire and South Cumbria NHS Foundation Trust Community Pain Service

The Lancashire and South Cumbria NHS Foundation Trust Community Pain Service are a group of clinicians and support staff with specialist skills in supporting people with persistent pain.

They are based at Minerva Health Centre in the Preston North End football stadium at Deepdale and provide services at a number of community locations across the Preston and Chorley area.

The LSCFT Community Pain Service can be accessed via

LSCFT Community Roots

Lancashire and South Cumbria NHS Foundation Trust are running courses for people in Lancashire to help them keep, stay and live well as part of a new project. 

Community Roots offers courses that are co-designed, alongside people with lived experience and professionals by experience, to help you find accessible and fun health and wellbeing opportunities important to you.

They work alongside a range of community partners to bring you the very best opportunities in your local area. By working with a range of partners, they hope to bring you opportunities relevant to you, your community and wellbeing journey.

The courses they offer cover a range of topics linked to the five ways to wellbeing and may include subjects such as arts and crafts, understanding and managing mental health conditions, relaxation techniques and using the power of story telling to challenge stigma.

All courses are available to anyone over 16. Please contact them if you are under 16 and they can signpost you to their colleagues in young people's services.

Community Roots can be accessed via  

Live Well With Pain

Live Well with Pain ( offers a range of knowledge, skills, tools and resources. They are designed to help clinicians enable patients to become clearer about their needs, manage or cope with their pain well and be more effective in their use of health care.

Live Well With Pain also has a sister site called My Live Well With Pain ( This site is specifically for patients and includes lots of leaflets, videos and booklets that can be accessed free of charge. 

Ten Footsteps: Your Journey To Living Well with Pain is advice published by Live Well With Pain. If you click on the picture it will take you to straight the document.


Phone Apps are a great way of getting additional guidance and support and some even have the ability to record your experience of pain so you can show your NHS care providers at appointments when discussing pain. 

The website ORCHA ( have reviewed a number of health related apps for use by NHS patients. Particularly interesting are the many pain management apps that are available. Many are accessible to both Apple and Android phone users. Click on the picture below to access the list of pain apps on ORCHA:



One of the apps listed on the ORCHA website is ESCAPE-pain (

ESCAPE-pain is a rehabilitation programme for people with chronic joint pain of the knees and/or hips, that integrates educational self-management and coping strategies with an exercise regimen individualised for each participant.

ESCAPE-pain helps people understand their condition, teaches them simple things they can help themselves with, and takes them through a progressive exercise programme so they learn how to cope with pain better. 

ESCAPE-pain class locations

ESCAPE-pain is offered at sites across Lancashire and South Cumbria. ESCAPE-pain update this map fortnightly so it is a great place to check if sessions are running near you.  

Each icon on the map represents one site. Click on the icon to find the site details including name, address, postcode and how you can join the programme.